Jeff Klingler, Photographer
Collector Prints Catalog
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Figure Portfolio

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Rose Under Foot
Girl in the Pillars



Still Life Portfolio

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Dandelion Glass of Rose Intimate Rose
Potential Rose Rose Face
Siblings Still Life  


Modern Artifacts Portfolio

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Chop Sticks Drill Bit Fan
Fork Ice Cubes Outlet
Phone Cord Pliers Unappreciated
  Wood Screw  


All purchases are securely done using PayPal though my company SilverSpeaks Photography, Inc. . You may use Visa, MasterCard, Discover cards, or your PayPal account (if you have one). There is one shipping fee for anywhere in the United States. California residents please add sales tax.

Descriptions / Purchase

Figure Portfolio

Title: Alone

Description: 7 15/8 x 8 13/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 0703C03-06

Collector Print Price: $250


Title: Lines-II

Description: 7 13/16 x 7 13/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2002 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 070209-17

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Sensual

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 030203-15

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Ascending

Description: 7 9/16 x 8 9/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 110317-08

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Meditation

Description: 7 11/16 x 7 11/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2002 Printed: 2002 Catalog #: 070219-17

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Lines-I

Description: 7 11/16 x 7/5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2002 Printed: 2002 Catalog #: 070223-12

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Bath

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 0703C07-04

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Pause

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2002 Printed: 2002 Catalog #: 070203-18

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Rose Under Foot

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2001 Catalog #: 080107-05

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Classic

Description: 10 x 10 3/8" Silver Gelatin print on 20x24" Mat

Negative: 2005 Printed: 2005 Catalog #: 040510-05

Collector Print Price: $450

Title: Reclining-II

Description: 10 11/16 x 10 1/2" Silver Gelatin print on 20x24" Mat

Negative: 2004 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 070416-15

Collector Print Price: $450

Title: Hold

Description: 10 9/16 x 10 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 20x24" Mat

Negative: 2004 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 070412-18

Collector Print Price: $450

Title: Girl in Pillars

Description: 7 7/16 x 7 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2002 Catalog #: 0701L03-03

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Reclining - I

Description: 7 3/4 x 7 3/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2002 Catalog #: 0701L04-01

Collector Print Price: $250
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Still Life Portfolio

Title: Dandelion

Description: 7 1/8/x 8 7/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 1998 Printed: 1998 Catalog #: 119801-01

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Glass of Rose

Description: 7 1/8 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 040302-12

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Intimate Rose

Description: 7 9/16 x 7 9/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2001 Catalog #: 060104-03

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Potential

Description: 7 9/16 x 7 9/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2001 Catalog #: 080102-11

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Rose

Description: 7 1/16 x 7 13/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 1999 Printed: 1999 Catalog #: 059901-05

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Rose Face

Description: 7 9/16 x 7 9/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2001 Catalog #: 060101-05

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Siblings

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2001 Printed: 2001 Catalog #: 070118-06

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Still Life

Description: 7 x 7 7/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 1998 Printed: 1999 Catalog #: 129801-05

Collector Print Price: $250
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Modern Artifacts Portfolio

Title: Chop Sticks

Description: 7 11/16 x 7 11/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 040305-17

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Drill Bit

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 13/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 080301-14

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Fan

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 060306-08

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Fork

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 040303-01


Description: 10 9/16 x 10 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 20x24" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 040303-01

Collector Print Price: $250


Collector Print Price: $450

Title: Ice Cubes

Description: 7 9/16 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 070321-06

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Outlet

Description: 7 11/16 x 7 9/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 060301-08

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Phone Cord

Description: 7 3/4 x 9 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 070322-17

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Pliers

Description: 7 1/8 x 8 3/16" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 090301-03


Description: 10 9/16 x 13 1/16" Silver Gelatin print on 20x24" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2004 Catalog #: 090301-03

Collector Print Price: $250


Collector Print Price: $450

Title: Unappreciated

Description: 7 5/8 x 7 3/4" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 070315-14

Collector Print Price: $250

Title: Wood Screw

Description: 7 13/16 x 7 5/8" Silver Gelatin print on 14x17" Mat

Negative: 2003 Printed: 2003 Catalog #: 010301-18

Collector Print Price: $250
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