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Wanted: Fine Art Photography Models. $20/hr or photographs, model release required. Experience not required, must be 18 or older. Both individuals and couples are invited.


I am looking for models to participate in several fine art photography projects. We can discuss the details later, but first let me answer some frequently asked questions.

What is Fine Art Photography? Simply put, I am trying to express emotional or aesthetics messages using details from the human form. This is not a portraiture session (though we might very well do some portraits), nor is it a glamour shoot.

Why me? I don’t have the right kind of body to model! There is no such thing as the “right kind of body.” If you are curious to try modeling and are comfortable with your body and appearance, then we have a good starting point for a photo shoot. If I have asked you to consider modeling, then I have seen a feature or quality that I think might work well in one or more of my projects.

Do I need experience? No, it is OK if you have never modeled before.

Do I have to model nude? I ask that you consider modeling nude, but it is entirely up to you. I never ask a model to do anything they are not comfortable with. We rarely start with nude figure work. Much of my work deals with form and “fragment nudes” which means we often work with selected areas of the body (hands, feet, waist, hair, etc) as well as whole body form. It depends on the model and the project.

What do you do with the photographs? Currently my work is displayed in galleries and small venues. Some images appear on my web site.

What happens in a photo shoot? First, we’ll discuss ideas and formulate a plan. Then we’ll go into the studio and start to work. Sometimes everything “clicks” right away, other times we need time to warm up and get comfortable. I will have themes or specific ideas for the shoot, but you will find modeling to be a dynamic process and images we create will be unique to you.

Can I bring a friend? Yes, you can bring one friend along if that makes you more comfortable. However, I have found that boyfriends (unless you are modeling as a couple) are not a good choice because they create too many distractions. On the other hand, a friend who is also curious about modeling works very well. I often collaborate with fine art photographer Ginni Savalli (click here to see her web site) and she will work with us during our shoot.

What will I wear? I usually ask the model to bring 2-3 different outfits, something you are comfortable in. We will discuss ahead of time if there is a particular theme.

How long will a shoot last? Typically 1-3 hours (yes, we do take breaks and if you’ve never modeled before you might be surprised how demanding it is).

Will I be paid for modeling? Yes. You have a choice between $20/hr or modeling in exchange for a photograph. If you want the hourly fee, I base payment on any fragment of the quarter hour. The clock starts when we actually start the shoot on the set and stops when we walk off the set. For example, if we start shooting at 10am and finish at 12:20pm, you’ll be paid for 2 ½ hours ($50). You will be paid at the end of the photo shoot.

Will I see any of the photos? During the shoot we will go over some Polaroid proofs so you can see how the setup is working. If you decide to accept photographs instead of cash, you will see contact sheets of the images. And if we collaborate on future projects, we will review any work we have already done together.

Can I buy any of the photographs? Yes, you can purchase any of the work that I would normally release to galleries. If you chose to model in exchange for photographs (instead of an hourly fee), you will receive at least one glossy print.

What’s a Model Release? A model release is a form you sign allowing me use your image. The model release is signed at the beginning of the shoot with whatever compensation we have agreed to written into the release. We cannot do the photo shoot without a signed Model Release. (Click here to see a model release.)

Color or Black and White? I work exclusively in black and white. Also, I do all of my own developing and printing.

Smoking/drinking/drugs? No, on all three items. No smoking in the studio because I find it unpleasant and the smoke is not good for the equipment. No drugs or alcohol because you need to have a clear head to do a good job modeling.

OK, I am interested, what do I do next? Simply let me know you would like to try a modeling session. You can E-mail me, or call and leave a message at 925-914-8829.